Iraq: Health Cluster Bulletin No. 12 – (December 2021) – Iraq


A. Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) 2022

The Global Humanitarian Overview 2022 was officially released on December 2, 2021 with the theme “Climate Change and Humanitarian Action”. The Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) is the most comprehensive humanitarian needs assessment designed to mobilize resources at scale and explore ways to better deliver humanitarian assistance to people in need. The document covers humanitarian needs and operations in different regions and countries, the total number of which varies each year and is usually related to the most acute crises. The report provides donors, aid workers and the public with an overview of the achievements of the past year as well as the challenges that remain in each crisis-hit country in the year to come. In addition, the document details the funds received during the year by country/location. According to the GHO 2022, a total of 274 million people worldwide are in need of emergency assistance and protection, an increase of 17 percent compared to last year’s GHO. An estimated US$41 billion is needed to provide assistance and protection to the 183 million people most in need and targeted by the plan. Iraq is featured on pages 97-99 of the GHO 2022.

B. Iraqi Humanitarian Fund (IHF) 1st reserve allocation 2021

The Iraqi Humanitarian Fund (IHF) 1st reserve allocation for 2021 was in progress, with the partner agencies of the 4 clusters identified for funding having uploaded projects online by December 8th. This was followed by the Health Cluster Strategic Review Team (SRT) Proposal Review meetings on 14 and 15 December, which were attended by the members of the Strategic Advisory Group (SAG), the Cluster Gender Focal Person and an IHF team member as observers participated. Three consortium projects, two primarily health and the other primarily multipurpose financial assistance (MPCA), were approved for funding, covering all proposed services and destinations among them.


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